Thursday, December 16, 2010

It Ain't the End of Secretariain't - but bye for now!

So, this may be my last post for a little while. I have reached the end of the quarter for my Social Web class at the Bainbridge Graduate Institute and I need a break! I have definitely learned a LOT from this exercise and I recommend it to anyone.

My experience:

Writing about a topic that gives me great consternation wasn't all smiles and sunshine. Actually, writing about gender inequality made me so mad at times that the topic started to spill too much into my personal life at times. But hey, the personal IS political, so what exactly did I expect? I do not recommend blogging about a heated debate unless you feel rock solid with the ones who are close to you. This topic made for some difficult evenings at the dinner table. However, blogging was a great way to collect a lot of information about a topic that interests me. Now, from the simple practice of blogging on a regular basis, I feel I can talk authoritatively on the subject. Blogging seems to be a lot cheaper than a PHD.

Future plans:

I still want to keep learning about gender inequality in business. In fact, I've come to learn there is a real market for gender consultants in the tech sector. So, I figure it would be a good idea to keep writing this blog. There is so much information out there and not a lot of people putting together the pieces, it seems. I come across so much information in my daily surfing habits that it seems like this blog would be a good place to leave it and collect it. However, I definitely prefer micro-blogging and would much rather find a way to combine both Facebook and Twitter so that I could have a little more than 140 characters but also the ability to make zillions of little posts as it fancies me.

Blogging is a great way to practice brevity, hone one's writing skills, and really think about the reader. It's also another great practice in backing up your work. I can't tell you how much writing I've read in the past few months that make outright claims without backing anything up. Thankfully, the internet really is the end of that sort of thing.

And with that, I say, watch for future updates but my posting frequency may go down. I really recommend checking out the links under "resources" in the right hand side bar.

Keep up the fight dear readers. Inequality is everywhere, and YOU have the power to make it right.

Thanks for reading,


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for choosing such a necessary topic, Nina! I hope you find some momentum on this again after the break.
